S4 Inflation Chapter Plot Suggestions, v2

 (Victor Buza)

This is a follow-up posting on this, showing "\(\sigma_r\) vs Effort" and "\(\sigma_r\) vs \(f_{sky}\)," plots, as well as a few versions of the "\(C_l^{BB}\)" plot. Aside from stylistic updates, there are two main changes from the last posting:

1. \(C_l^{BB}\) plot -- bin-by-bin forecasted tensor constraints

Figure 1:

Bin-by-bin forecasted tensor constraints for r=0.01 and r=0.003, \(f_{sky} = 0.03\), and the default detector effort (\(10^{6}\) detector years). Vertical error bars denote 68% credible intervals, with the point marking the model expectation value. If the 68% interval includes zero, we indicate the 95% upper limit with a downward triangle. Horizontal error bars denote bin widths calculated from bandpower window functions. Primordial B-mode spectra are shown for several representative values of the tensor-to-scalar ratio. The solid green line shows the \(\Lambda CDM\) expectation for the B modes induced by gravitational lensing of E modes, with the dashed line showing \(1/10\) of the lensing power. The solid blue and red lines show the dust and synchrotron (current upper limit) model assumed in the forecasting, at the foreground minimum of \(95 GHz\). The levels of dust and synchrotron are equal to the ones reported in BK14.

2. "\(\sigma_r\) vs Effort" and "\(\sigma_r\) vs \(f_{sky}\)"

Figure 2:

Equivalent to Figure 3 of the previous posting, except now the "\(\sigma_r\) vs effort" plot is made for a default \(f_{sky}=0.03\).

It's important to keep in mind that there are a number of effects that penalize large \(f_{sky}\) that are not included in this analysis:

3. r-ns